Monday Musings #24

I've been doing a mini series called "Change" on my Instagram so I thought it'd  be the perfect topic for today's #mondaymusings!

They say Autumn is the season of great change and here in England, I feel like it has just flown by! One minute all the leaves are bursting with colour and then they're falling the next.

The same could be said of changes in our own lives where it is all in such a whirlwind that we either don't notice it or takes us in surprise it is hard for us to take it in - it is the second reaction that I want to discuss today.

As people, we don't like change and tend to prefer stability in our situations. This isn't the same of everyone but when it happens, for most of us, we want things to go back to the way they were.

I saw a quote the other day which goes:

"progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything" 
- George Bernard Shaw

More often than not, the change that needs to happen is in our heads. The circumstances in our lives are constantly going to be changing - they say the only constant in life is change (sorry for all the cheesey quotes hehe). In order for our actions to adjust to this change we must accept it in our minds because only then can it become a reality.

Another quote that relates to this is:

"where no change has occurred, no teaching or learning has taken place"

This is so true as with every change, we learn to adapt to new circumstances and I think that because being comfortable with ourselves and our situations is something really important to us, thus we try to resist change. But sometimes it takes a bit of a shake up to remind us not to be so set in our ways and that change can bring new and exciting things. 

It is needed to remind us that change may not so bad after all.

I hope you can view change in a different way and, instead of dwelling on the past, look forward to what change might bring in the future :)


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