19 / 4 / 17 - uni research, future aspirations

Heyo! So today I started school again and honestly, it feels like I never had a break at all. Lately, I have been doing a lot of uni research so I decided that it would be interesting to share my future plans / aspirations currently and see whether it changes.
I think it is pretty unhealthy coz over 70% of my tabs constantly open on Chrome are uni websites and it has gotten to the point where I convince myself to prioritise research over revision woops. So I might as well impart some of the knowledge I have gained over the past few months.
Up till a couple months back, I was absolutely certain that I was going to do an Art Foundation course and then go on to complete a graphic design degree after. I had done all the research and found the courses that I was most interested in. I was pretty happy with the list I compiled and basically carried on working as I was in school and all that.
In case you’re interested, here is the list:
Art Foundation Diploma
- Ravensbourne fda art and design (design and media)
- AUB (Arts Uni Bournemouth) fda diploma in art and design
- CSM (Central Saint Martins) fda art and design / Camberwell fda art and design (NB. you can only apply to one fda course across UAL unis)
Art Degree
- Ravensbourne graphic design
- AUB graphic design
- CSM graphic communication design
- Chelsea graphic design communication
- LCC (London College of Communication) graphic branding and identity
- LCC graphic and media design
Then as we started to discuss uni stuff at school more, suddenly (idk what triggered it lol), I realised I had other options other than art and had a think about the subjects that I most enjoy.
Hence, I started looking into Sociology courses and found that I was warming to the idea of studying Sociology a lot. Ngl, lots of the courses are quite generic in that the core topics are similar but a few stand out to me that have interesting optional modules.
Hence, I started looking into Sociology courses and found that I was warming to the idea of studying Sociology a lot. Ngl, lots of the courses are quite generic in that the core topics are similar but a few stand out to me that have interesting optional modules.
As well as that, I have a some other requirements that a uni / course must meet in other for me to be interested (wow I sound so pretentious but bear with me for a mo) – that is, study abroad and (a recent discovery that looks so cool) LFA, Languages For All. Ever since I heard that studying abroad was a thing, I am determined to do it for the amazing experiences one has.
These are the unis / courses that have made my shortlist:
- Bath Bsc sociology
- Manchester Bsc sociology
- York BA sociology and social psychology
- Southampton Bsc sociology
- Exeter Bsc sociology with study abroad (4yrs)
- Sheffield BA sociology
Also, since I have no idea what I want to do as a career, I want to do year teaching abroad somewhere like S Korea / Japan / Thailand because I think it would be incredibly rewarding (as well give me some brownie points in my CV 😉).
Okay so this was a pretty hefty post so if you’ve gotten to the end of this, I give you my congratulations. Its a pretty bad habit to be typing these things so late at night (22.35 isn’t that late but late to a person like me who is definitely not a night owl).
Before I head out, I'd love to know what your aspirations are in the comments!
So yeah that’s all from me! -take care x
Before I head out, I'd love to know what your aspirations are in the comments!
So yeah that’s all from me! -take care x
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