Monday Musings #37

It has been a hot minute since I've last posted a Musings, I guess exams just got the better of me. Buttt, now that they're over, you can expect to see a bunch of things on the blog more regularly!

The end of secondary school signals the start of a new chapter and I thought this quote by Meister Eckhart sums it up so well:

“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
Meister Eckhart

Old chapters must end for new ones to begin. Over the years I've learnt that some things need to be let go of and more often than not, we look back in hindsight and actually it was the best thing for us moving forward. 

Especially in a season of uncertainty such as this (results day arghhh) the ability to surrender control is so important. To know that whatever the future brings is the best for us. To look forward to the opportunities coming our way. And most of all, to make the most of the waiting.

I'm so excited for this summer as I'm heading to a few places - Portugal Cyprus and Iceland. Iceland  has been on my bucketlist for ages and I cannot wait to see the fjords and the renowned waterfalls.

As always, take care and hop over to my Instagram to keep updated :)



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