Monday Musings #36
This is a bit of a spontaneous post as I am currently on the train back from Manchester with a lot of time to kill. So many thoughts are going on in my head, I don't know where to start!
I travelled to Manchester primarily for the university applicant day for sociology but also had a bit of time to explore too, I'll probably do a separate post with my photos from today so look out for that!
As I was going by myself I wasn't sure what to expect as most people tend to go to applicant days with friends or parents. It was an interesting experience in terms of putting myself out there and reaching out to people first - paid off well though and I met some lovely people (hi if you're reading this haha).
The applicant day itself was very well organised with talks from a few of the lecturers at the university. Hearing about the different research they do was really cool as they have some unique areas of interest. The lecturers all seemed so down to earth and approachable which is reassuring if I do end up in Manchester.
Afterwards I did some exploring in the city centre. Sadly didn't get to see John Rylands library (which I've heard great things about) but just from having a wander around the Northern Quarter, there is so much to see and do! I will definitely be returning soon to see more 😊
As well as that, I met up with Carmen from @meandmyvalise at Foundation coffee and she is just as friendly as she seemed over Instagram! I love how the platform brings people together and this was a lovely example of that.
Just to round off this very rambly post (congrats if you got this far😂), today got me thinking about how nice people are if only we make the effort to interact. Especially living in a city it can seem like everyone is just minding their own business and it's very easy to get stuck in our little bubble.
I crave and love human interaction and I believe it's taken for granted a lot of the time whereas we need to make meaningful connections in order to get the most out of our lives, you know?
Anyway I think I'll be off, so tired from today x
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